CitizenShipper helps you stay in the loop with new shipments posted on the platform, currently active bids, and more, by sending you email and/or text notifications. Being notified about the right things at the right time keeps you from missing out on new business opportunities and critical customer communication.
Certain types of notifications could be of more interest to you than others, or you might want to receive them through different channels. The notifications tab of your account settings page can help you set that up.
To start off, click the gear icon and select Settings from the drop-down menu:
In the top left of the next page, under Account, you should see your Notifications tab, showing multiple notification settings in the panel to the right:
And below is the breakdown of each notification type:
New message
Get notified each time a customer/prospect sends you a message on CitizenShipper.
New shipment matching my city and state settings
The bottom half of the notification settings page allows you to choose which cities and states you want to be notified about. Whenever a shipment is posted in one of the locations you've selected, you’ll receive a notification.
Note that, depending on the locations you choose, this can lead to notifications flooding your inbox! We suggest that you only choose the locations currently relevant to your business.
New shipment along my routes
On the Routes page, you can set up specific routes that you're interested in, simply by choosing a starting point and an endpoint. When a shipment is posted along one of these routes, you'll be notified of it.
New shipment along shipments I’m bidding on
When a shipment is posted along the route of another shipment you're bidding on, you can choose to be notified about that. This can help with bid planning but can also be overwhelming at times; try out both settings to find the one that best suits your needs.
New shipment along shipments I won
A great way to optimize your profit margins is to combine multiple shipments along the same route into a single "rideshare". When a shipment is posted along the route of another shipment you've already won, you can choose to be notified about it. This is a highly recommended option.
Confirmation of posted bid
This notification goes out for each bid you place. You can use it to keep track of all the bids you and your team have placed. Only available via email.
Subscribe to marketing emails
Uncheck this box if you no longer wish to see promotional emails from CitizenShipper in your inbox.
Cities and States Notifications
In the section directly below the notification screen, you can choose the locations you wish to be notified of. Simply click the "Search" box and start typing the name of a city or state. The menu should display all the locations matching your search - click any one of them to add them to your notifications criteria:
To remove an existing city or state from your notification criteria, simply click the little X mark next to its name. You can search for it again and add it back whenever you choose.
Once you're done editing your notification settings, don't forget to click "Save Settings" to instantly apply all the changes that you've made.
What to read next
For more advice on setting up your account, see the articles on account settings (2-min read) and category settings (1-min read).
For advice on making your first steps on the CitizenShipper platform, see Getting your bearings.
For advice on winning shipments, see Bidding and payments.
1 comment
what is wrong with your site? I go to change my catagory and it takes me back to the same can I find anything to transport if I cant find the list of people to do it for?
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