The best practices of successful CitizenShipper drivers



  • Jan Lundberg

    Hhmmm? Should i b a driver? I can't decide whether this is actually worth it or not. Is it a money maker? It would cost me $300 in gasoline to drive from New York City to Miami. If my bid is $400 to $450 that's not much of a profit is it? Especially for a journey that may take close to a week. What am I missing?

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  • Robert Petty

    Jan, I would bid $1.70 per mile, plus expenses for an animal or other related excess. The mileage is a write off for your business. 1,278 miles is a long drive, you will also have to figure in food & lodging. (provided where you stay accept animals). Then you have a long drive back home, unless you plan to stay in Miami. Then lower price is OK. At least it gets you there. Good luck, safe travels.

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  • Matthew Coleman


    While our marketplace can be very competitive, all drivers still set their own price--meaning you can choose how much money you would like to make:)

    Many drivers also make use of our Rideshare Tool, allowing them to complete multiple shipments along the same route, which lets them charge a little less since they are already head in the same direction. You can learn more about the tool here:


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